Sunday, January 4, 2009

Time Flies.........

Wow. How our lives hve changed in the past six months. I no longer am working for my buddy Katie. Her kids are now old enough to go to preschool; so this means I have had to drudge back into the real working world. With the economy the way it is I feel grateful to have a job. I amworking at Wells Fargo as a phone banker. They have been amazing to me with a rather large trial my family has been through. I love the people there and havemade alot of good friends. It can be a very difficult job. I have atleast 6 criers a day. People are loosing their homes, cars and spouses. It's really hard to not feel sorry for the majority of these people. Sometimes I feel so helpless and get overly frustrated at my lack of being able to do ANYTHING to help them.

My favorite customers are the yellers. I find they a challenge. I guess it's the whole kill them with kindness philosophy. I have been called about every name you could possibly think of. One thing I've learned is that people are passionate about their money!

Gary is still working for t-mobile. He has been on a medical leave for almost 2 months. I think he is getting really bored. He always said he wanted to be a stay at dad, but I think this has cleared that up for him!

Taylor is huge! He comes up to my chin. He is still as skinny as ever. Lucky kid! He is doing well in school, but was really disappointed when he found out he now only gets 1 recess instead of 3! Oh, the challenges of growing up!

Mikayla is sassier than ever! She is such a loving and tender hearted kid, but boy is she a sassy pants! She is getting so big as well. It makes mekinda sad to realize they are growing up!

Mikenzy is crazy! She is in Kindergarten and loving it! We were lucky enought to get her into the spanish emerssion program. She learns everything in spanish 4 days of her school week and then Friday is english only. I am not looking forward to the day she tells me off and I won't know what she's saying!

2008 was a very long year at our house! We are glad to see it go and looking forward to a bright and happy 2009!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Holy shit...........I thought your blog had died..........I am so relieved to know that either: A)you remembered how to type, B)you remembered your password, C)you realized we were all on pins and needles waiting for your next post!! Probably all of the above!! See you Tuesday with some of the best sticky buns EVER!!!!